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Craig Guthrie is a Scottish writer specialising in modern poetry and flash fiction. His work has been described as "precise, heartfelt, furious, hilarious", is often preoccupied by philosophical metaphor and has appeared in Erbacce magazine, Poetry Scotland, Sam Smith's The Journal and Poetry24 - as well as being crudely taped to a rusting field-gate in a little plastic folder on Wood Lane.

The Lonely Road and Other Occupations: Poetry and prose concerning literary rejection

Virgil's Faeces: Eclectic poetry

Dundonian Gothika:  Poetry concerning Dundee

WYOCHUNG - Philisophical Epiphany through Confrontational Art: Poetry and prose

Diary of an Obnoxious Sociophobe: Diary fiction

The Existential Solipsist: Short experimental prose

Chef and I: Lyrical Salads and Literary Vandalism: Arranged book collection from The Existential Solipsist and Virgil's Faeces

Cleaning Down: Kitchen Stories

The Night Shift: Prose in progress

Life, Death and Other Miniscule Matters: collection

NB - please be aware that these site are concerned with literary art intended for the adult mind and may contain adult themes and profanity.